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A Goodbye Letter to My Drug Addiction

letter to my addiction

There is a saying that the hardest thing to do in life is to say goodbye. This includes all relationships, including my relationship with you. This started off with plenty of happy moments, like the first time I experienced getting high or drunk.

Acknowledge the Relationship and the Perceived Happy Moments

letter to my addiction

I don’t know how drugs heighten the joy of happiness. But I do know that my life would be very monochromatic without its peaks and valleys. Whether you are starting or are far down your recovery path, you may want to consider putting your thoughts and feelings into words. Even if you feel inadequate as a writer, there are so many benefits to writing a goodbye letter to drugs that it is well worth the effort.

Copper thieves leave 6th Street Bridge — the ‘Ribbon of Light’ — completely in the dark

letter to my addiction

It sounds like a weird thing to complain about, but you never know where your mind will go when you are newly sober. By the time I achieved recovery at Icarus in Albuquerque, I had engaged in drug abuse my entire life. Substance abuse was a part of who I was. We all have our own ways of letting addiction go.

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According to some studies, writing down your goals increases your chances of achieving them by 42%. Even though it makes all the sense in the world, saying goodbye to drugs is difficult no matter what. Moving forward can be tricky, but you will be a better person once you say goodbye letter to my addiction to your addiction. Even though it is deeply personal, I will include what I wrote in my goodbye letter, and give some insight into how you can approach your own goodbye letter. What I do understand—and need you to know—is how your painkiller problem has hurt me and our relationship.

  • The life of substance use that you have known for the last several years.
  • You sent me to the hospital more than a few times.
  • The increased scrutiny could have a statewide chilling effect and make doctors, pharmacists and even patients more reluctant to use these drugs, the doctors wrote.
  • I will drive you to and from any Nar-Anon meetings.

Addiction, you’re a liar, a thief, and a cruel master. When things began to look up, you grabbed me by the ankles and pulled me right back into the mess. When I wanted to change for the better, you told me I couldn’t live without you. You made me into the person I said I would never become. You made me do things I never thought I would be capable of doing.

  • Daily, there are people out there telling you no – bosses, friends, parents, spouses and significant others – and that is just a part of life.
  • You just ever took and took, but you never gave.
  • I forgave you, invited you back in like an old friend.
  • These programs aim to break the cycle of addiction by addressing underlying issues and teaching coping mechanisms.
  • I came across a blog on an addiction website that told me I had to get immediate medical attention.
  • Our relationship’s silver lining is that I’m stronger than I’ve ever been.

When you have a loved one facing addiction, it’s not always easy to vocalize your feelings. When you stumble, it is tempting to just give up. When you focus on writing about why you decided to get sober, it will reinforce these reasons. You can write about how you knew you hit rock bottom and needed help.

letter to my addiction

Euphoria pouring all over my body as I lay there nodding off, I pushed you off me and said goodbye for the evening. I thought that was going to be the only time but your magnetic pull had other plans. I finally grabbed you and decided it was time to make my move.

  • Instead, use the conclusion of your letter to reaffirm your love, summarize your commitment and explain the importance of treatment.
  • It is truly a miracle I am thankful for, each and every day.
  • It turns out that you are also vindictive, as you did everything in your power to pull me right back in.
  • Every single member of staff, from the moment I arrived at the moment I left, treated me with dignity and respect.
  • The FHE Health team is committed to providing accurate information that adheres to the highest standards of writing.
  • When you focus on writing about why you decided to get sober, it will reinforce these reasons.

Studies have shown a surge in the ordering of abortion pills online in states that have severe restrictions on abortion. Mifepristone and misoprostol have many clinical uses, and one use approved by the FDA is to take the pills to induce an abortion at up to 10 weeks of gestation. “We’re trying to send a message out there — think twice, because if we do capture you with [stolen wires], you’re going to get in big trouble,” De León said. Authorities have also recovered nine firearms and are looking into “questionable activity” by scrap yards, recycling centers and other facilities that would receive the stolen wire.

As a result, I know I have to leave you. I have tried to leave you in the past; however, every time I try to leave you behind, you simply come back stronger than ever before. I realized that the only way I could be able to leave you would be if I hit rock bottom first. The only thing is that I didn’t know exactly what rock bottom meant. How much more do I have to lose before I’m willing to leave you for good?

  • Relationships have been restored, and new ones have begun.
  • There are just so many complicated emotions when it comes to our kids.
  • But as I bear witness to you ripping through the lives of my friends, my family members, and my patients, I find it nearly impossible to surrender again.
  • He told me I didn’t have to fight you alone.
  • Recovery empowers individuals to confront demons and embrace a brighter life.