Lenders look at your credit history to get an idea of how reliable you are as a borrower. With any less than perfect credit circumstances, it’s best to face them head on. Finding out where your score currently stands is the best place to start. You’ll then have a better idea of what you need to do to improve.
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Your marital updates
Essentially, lenders requires two of you as named to your mortgage if you find yourself partnered, particularly if its a professional bank. Lenders may also grant shared mortgages so you can individuals who will be unily people.
The causes of poor credit?
Anyone can fall into bad credit for a number of reasons. Life happens, and perhaps an illness or separation has caused a missed or late bill payment. Perhaps you’ve needed a payday loan or applied for too many credit cards at once. Sometimes these things can result in CCJs, IVAs, a personal debt management package (DMP) or even bankruptcy. All of these can affect your credit score. (more…)